We offer, as far as it is possible, the MULTIBLITZ service for all compact units.
Here, in addition to the last manufactured Compact Plus, Profilite, Profilite Plus
we also repair for Profilux Plus, Xenolux, X - series, Profilux, Varilux, Vari 5, Ministudio, Profilite Compact, Variolite Compact and others.
Due to the lack of spare parts for MULTIBLITZ studio generators, they can unfortunately no longer be repaired, or only in the case of very few faults. Therefore it is IMPORTANT that you contact us before sending in the repair parts.
We therefore offer to adapt your MULTIBLITZ lampheads to ELINCHROM, so that you can continue to use them and your existing accessories.
However, you can purchase all MULTIBLITZ flash tubes and protection glasses from German production through us.
Similarly, modelling lamps can be ordered from us at any time.
Please leave the flash tube in the unit or send it in a separate package, because we always want to repair and test your unit as a complete unit and carry out the DGUV test!